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Sept 2024  Updates

In August, Menlo Park neighbors learned that El Rio Community Health had announced plans to pave the community garden on N Melwood in order to make room for additional parking. If you wish to sign a survey with your opinion regarding these plans, please click HERE

Update on West Plaza benches: The two 10' benches that will anchor the southwest corner of the West Plaza are in Production. There is no delivery date at this time but it will probably be late fall. Each bench takes 35 working days to fabricate.

Our metal dumpster enclosure gates were broken from the their hinges in the 'big storm' in early July. Then they were stolen. Michele is fabricating new gates and they should be installed in September. The board reminds you that we are not allowed to place anything in the enclosure area, other than routine trash or collapsed cardboard recycle material that is placed inside the appropriate dumpster. Please no furniture or a large amount of brushy material that will fill the dumpsters. The next Tucson Bush and Bulky pickup is on 9/22/2024. Please leave your landscaping trash outside the enclosure wall.

The board approved May 20 2024 minutes is available at the Minutes page (near the center top of the home page)

There will be a new feature for future Board Meetings page (near the bottom center of the home page) - going forward the upcoming board meeting agenda's will be posted on this page when they become available

There are two new recorded 2024 amendments to the C,C & Rs. These will mailed to home and parcel owners and are also available at the Docs page (bottom left corner of the home page)

Our pets of the month are Archie and Milo

To see the previous for 2024 updates, click Jan  Feb  March  May

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