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October 2023  Updates

Great news - the improvement project for the West Plaza is underway. Click here to get all the details.

Volunteer opportunity of the month - Mary Lu says: "Pat, Suzanne and I volunteer with the Tucson Family Food Project and we are looking for more people who would like to help."

Join the Dixon family  Sunday Oct 8th for a dedication of a plaque honoring Justin Dixon.

Steve Brown's new book "Whom Shall I Send" is available from Petroglyphs in the Monier building.

The Bautista project has warned us of some possible morning noise.

We have a new pets of the month! Learn about them here

The next Board meeting date is October 23rd at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be in-person in the cabinet room at the Mercado and remotely on Zoom. More details will be forthcoming.

We are still collecting Mercado sunset photos - see what we have so far here

In case you missed it, here is a time elapse aerial view of the District's development

To see the previous 2023 month updates, click May  Apr  June  July  Aug  Sept