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May 2024 Updates
Landscaping Update
From Carol Griffith. On March 1 the MDMA has hired a new landscaping company, BrightView. As part of their initial services, they provided us with a tree inventory and evaluation: Brightview Tree Care Service Mercado District Tree Survey. I was surprised to learn that we have 214 trees in our neighborhood valued at about $700,000.00. The arborist who prepared the report identified 104 trees that needed emergency intervention measures, which included hazard and structural trimming as well as some tree removals. The need for this work is the result of overgrowth due to winter rain; wind damage; bug infestations, too little water or too much water due to irrigation issues; and improper or no trimming over the years. Sadly, two of the trees on the list of dead or dying trees that need to be removed are the two large Sycamores in the East Plaza. Members of the community did ask to postpone the removal of the Sycamores until the fall. That will be a better time to plant replacement trees and will give the Landscape Committee time to work with the arborist to select more appropriate replacement trees for the plaza.
The Board approved the tree maintenance and removals at a cost of $22,525.00. The cost of this work will take all of our budgeted planting and tree maintenance funds plus some reserve funding as well. The work will begin Friday, April 19th. We will be delayed on our planting of understory plants until next year but we do have a new irrigation system and our most urgent needs to preserve our trees will be completed.
The Landscape committee will be working on planting plans this summer and into the fall. We will be using the original planting plans for the community, and the results of our plant survey to come up with a plan for replacement plants in the common areas where vegetation has been lost. We will also be consulting with the landscaping company to ensure plant selection are appropriate for the current conditions in our neighborhood. Please see the Landscaping page for the original list of plants used in the Common areas.
Visit the May Pet of the Month!
There are some talented, creative and quirky people in the world - and this neighborhood is no exception ! Here we introduce a new link featuring fun facts about some of our neighbors that you may or may not know . While we don’t seek to single out or embarrass anyone, it would be fun to learn about some of the creative endeavors in which our neighbors have been involved. Please contact us with tidbits (after you check with the person !)
Peter Crown has offered to explain an invention of his: Audio Commentary
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