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March 2024 Updates
Many of you know that we lost a fine neighbor in mid-January when Dean Christoffel died…… and Tucson lost an exceptional citizen.
A celebration of life is scheduled, please see details here.
A notice to all …and a reminder. PLEASE DO NOT leave bulky items (those too large to fit in your trash container) INSIDE our dumpster enclosure off Cushing. This is not a recycling center, if you think your items have value please take them to a Goodwill donation center or equivalent. Twice yearly there is a city pick-up for larger items with the Brush and Bulky program. This link lists what is and isn't allowed. The first pick-up date for our area is coming up; March 24th. the second pick-up in our area this year is September 23. Please leave allowed bulky items on the alley side of the enclosure wall a day or so before the pick up.
A street sweeper is coming to our neighborhood on March 16. Regular months for this service also include June, September, and December.
We are entering into a new agreement with Paul Ash Management Company ; as of March 2024, Paul Ash will be providing financial services only for us. (collecting assessments, paying vendor bills, etc.).
We are contracting with Annette Gardner to be our property manager. Some of you may know Annette from when she worked as a property manager for our community a number of years ago. Annette began working for the Mercado District and Justin Dixon when the community was conceived. In addition to having more than 25 years of experience in property management, she brings a knowledge of the history of the Mercado District, a list of qualified vendors as well as a personal connection to our community - the developers, builders and many neighbors. She has been working with us as a consultant for almost 2 years to help with the transition in management companies and changes in our Declarant status. Her dedication and expertise have been invaluable. The Board is very pleased to have her working with us. Stay tuned for additional information as we continue this transition.
The Menlo Park Neighborhood Association invites all Menlo Park residents, businesses, and property owners (including everyone with any relationship to the Mercado District) to monthly meetings at the Sentinel Building, 320 Commerce Loop (West off Bonita St., which intersects Congress St. by the Garden of Gethsemane). The next meeting is Thursday, March 14, at 5:30 PM (for folks interested in an update from the Tucson Police Department), followed by the general meeting at 6 PM. Agenda items for the coming meeting may include a report on the "Neighborhood Plan" (which has been underway since 2019 in collaboration with the City and County); discussion and votes on updates to the Bylaws; and consideration of a proposal from Barrio Sin Nombre to form a separate neighborhood association. All residents and property owners are welcome to attend in person and to vote on motions requiring approval by the Neighborhood Association.
Visit the March Pet of the Month!
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