
  New Postings  

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Have you ever noticed a group of people bagging up produce on some Saturday mornings at the east plaza fountain. Curious, check here.

By the way, check out the new east plaza fountain redesign, with the goal of reducing water evaporation and impromptu pool parties.

Expert local pet sitter service for July! Here

We had a chat with John Gordon about trash collection in the alleys. Question was did he prefer that individual trash cans have plastic liners or not? Answer: makes no difference to him. Any pet peeves? Only that cardboard boxes that are not broken down over flow the recycle dumpster. Easy-going John is a gem of a guy.

Please submit your favorite photograph of a sunset as seen from the neighborhood. Continue to share service contractors that you feel would provide a great service to your neighbors. See current list here.

Prior newsletter updates: April  May June
