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January 2024  Updates

Update on the improvement project for the West Plaza - After protracted difficulties procuring the proper material for the benches, the hardwood  will be delivered to the fabricator this week - so hopefully there will actually be benches in the plaza within a month or two. Click here to get all the details.

Many thanks to Mary Lu for her time serving us on the board. Chuck Hutchinson will assume her role and as liaison for Infrastructure.

It has come to our attention that some residents here may be being erroneously charged by the city (on your water bill) for garbage services.  This has happened to a neighbor - and so it would behoove all the homeowners to check your bill carefully.  Since we residents and property owners pay a monthly assessment for our valet garbage pick-up and since we, the MDMA (Mercado District Maintenance  Association) pay the city monthly to pick up the trash from the enclosure on Cushing, no single resident should be charged for garbage by the city.  The neighbor that was mistakenly billed called the number on the water bill; the city required proof of our arrangement from the management company, and then resident was issued a full refund.

Visit the January Pet of the Month!

We have updates to Tech Corner.

The 2024 Board meeting dates are posted under the Meetings tab.

The board meeting minutes are now a new feature of the newsletter. The buttons for these last 3 items and the governing documents are also found at the bottom of the home page.

To see the previous 2023 monthly updates, click May  Apr  June  July  Aug  Sept Oct Nov