New Postings
These items are updated on regular pages as well.
8/13/23 Updates from our president:
1. The Monier and a number of neighbors have asked to remind people to pick up after their dogs and not to allow them to urinate on the sides of buildings and homes. The Board has approved the purchase of a new doggie station, as well as, additional trash cans.
2. Tucson Clean and Beautiful will be making a special ' Brush and Bulky' pickup at our dumpster on September 18th. See here for the items that you can leave outside the enclosure wall no earlier than the day before.
2. The donation account for furniture in the west plaza is ready. People wishing to donate will be able to send their checks in care of Paul Ash but need to specify on the check that the money is for improvements in the West Plaza. Paul Ash will not do the accounting for the money. The Board will have to do that task. To insure that funds are going in the correct account, please let Carol know when you have sent a check, the amount, and the check #. We are hoping to have a prototype for the benches delivered within the next month. We will let the neighborhood know when it is arriving. The mailing address for Paul Ash is 3499 N Campbell Ave, #907 Tucson AZ 85719
3. The irrigation replacement is continuing. It has been a very challenging project. There are some new personnel from Santa Rita involved, so hopefully it will be completed soon. The Board is aware of additional landscaping issues and we are working to try to resolve these with Santa Rita. I would like to extend many thanks and appreciation to all the homeowners who have helped with watering plants during this extended time when the irrigation has not been on or working properly.
4. There are a number of other long standing projects that have been approved by the Board some have been started. Completed items include the dumpster area gate, and the repair of the pavers in the East Plaza. Also Paul Ash has assured us that the re-engineering and repair of the alley behind the homes on Zanjeros and the north side of the East Plaza will be addressed soon.
5. Please check out the repairs and new look of the fountain on the East Plaza. It is pretty and will require less maintenance. Thanks to Mary Lu Breshears and Jane Wright for the research and hard work to make this happen.
Please try to attend the next Board meeting on August 28th at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be in-person in the cabinet room at the Mercado and remotely on Zoom. More details will be forthcoming.
Thanks, Carol