
  New Postings  

    These items are updated on regular pages as well.  


Neighbor does good - in the news - Mary and her students' new row houses

Erica's Exceptional Contractor List (Who would know better?)

Reminder: please remember to turn on, and leave on, your alley lights. Most are likely on daylight energy saving sensors (thank you wise builders). This hopefully will discourage the  nightly patrols by local vigilent five-finger discounters.

UPS often passes their smaller Mercado District packages on to USPS to place in our lockers. This is noted in the UPS tracking text if you subscribe. Nice to know where your package is going to arrive.

Plastic and glass recycling drop off sites close to us

First artist installment:  Local photographer's page "Peter's Doors".  

Send me your favorite Mercado District sunset photos.

The board has provided updates on the new irrigation, plans for future common area plants, and the ongoing potenial future of reclaimed water for irrigation. The Landscaping page
