
Mercado District  Maintenance Association*

Advisory Board

Dale Thompson (President)

Giada Gallo Quiroz (Member) and liaison to the Landscape Committee (Melissa Einfrank is the chair of this committee.)

Jane Wright (Member) and liaison to the Westside plaza Committee

Kira Dixon-Weinstein (Member) and liaison to the commercial block owners

Mary Hardin liaison to the Architectural Review Committee

Val Bracy (Member) and operations manager of the Monier Apartments

Sean Rogers (Member) and operations manager of the Mercado San Agustin and Mercado Annex

MDMA's manager is Annette Gardner (520 390 6317)

Financial Management services with Sienna (formerly Paul Ash)  - Jena Carpenter (520) 771-9921. 3499 N Campbell Ave #902

NOTE: If you see anything going on in the neighborhood that needs the attention of the board, please email one of the board members or  Annette Gardner

*MDMA includes both the residential neighborhood and the commercial blocks. The board serves to identity any issues that the management company needs to address regarding repairs or general business topics.
